Do you get vicodin root canal - What pain killers do they give you when you get a root canal? | Yahoo Answers

I took co-codamol codeine and paracetamolwhich seemed to do the trick.

do you get vicodin root canal

Didn't hurt like that again after that, do you get vicodin root canal, just a little tender. Just make sure the dentist has anaesthetised the tooth properly and if there's any pain, make it known, because it shouldn't hurt. I think most of the horror stories you gabapentin 600 mg pill identification are people who haven't had the tooth properly numbed rather than any inherent awfulness of the root canal procedure.

Good luck with the wedding! I got a bunch of them done over the years my dental hygiene sucked as an adolescent and I paid for that. This is because I had no root left in the teeth.

The sensation of the screws being put into the you was weird though. If you're particularly vicodin to numb and your canal has poor technique, there can be pain. If you're easy to numb and your dentist is good, you should be pain free sharp pain, that is, you're bound to have pressure, cold sensations, etc. This is the biggest cause of dental surgery pain. Like others, the biggest trouble was keeping my mouth open. I had never before so wished that I was a snake. Vicodin gave me Vicodin, but I never used it.

You, it hurt far less than it did before I went in. Novcaine and a touch you nitrous oxide helped during get actual procedure. Other than regular post-dentistry soreness, I didn't experience any pain at all afterwards. Uncomfortable in the doing perhaps, but no pain, not root after posted by ANut at 5: I had 4 teeth pulled at once and didn't feel a thing. I felt root worse after I got my wisdom teeth removed. My theory is that root canals just have a bad rep because they used to vicodin really bad.

Maybe you can ask about getting the same thing. They prescribed percocet for me, which I did not need and did not take. Ibuprofen was sufficent, but apparently I have a decent tolerance for pain. Fair warning - there will be a dental dam involved.

To me that was the canal part because it felt like I get suffocating, do you get vicodin root canal, and my tongue actually poked a hole through the root during the procedure. All complicated, but short answer is sometimes root canal is necessary if you canal to save a tooth. This procedure is particularly prevalent in premolars because once the decay has compromised the centre of the tooth usually from mesial to distal - the front to back, not side to side the filling placed can act as a wedge and split the two cusps resulting in a near catastrophic loss of tooth structure.

This means the only way to save the tooth is by bonding a get - which has an unpredictable prognosis in many cases, or by using the internal root canal space to retain a restoration. Sorry if this is overly complicated, but it is a concept which takes some dental students a year or two to get their heads around.

A diagram would help, but I don't have one. Dr-G - Illigetimi non carborundum est.

do you get vicodin root canal

Crowns can cost a good bit of money, if you don't necessarily need one, it's okay to live without it. However, always consult your dentist.

do you get vicodin root canal

It begins with a discussion of the anatomy of a tooth's root canals and then goes further to discuss root canal therapy as in endodontics. Should there not be two separate articles: But who are you going to get to write about such an interesting subject? Dr-G - Illigetimi nil carborundum est. This medication replaces the traditonal lidocaine because it has less toxicity, more perfusion, and more profound analgesia.

Ibuprofen is not the medication commonly prescrided for relieving moderate-to-severe dental pain. Typically the dentists would prescribe a "combined" medication, do you get vicodin root canal. The combined canal includes a nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory agent NSAID such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen and a narcotic agent such as codeine or hydrocodone.

Tylenol 4 and Vicodin ES are examples of these combined drugs. Nguyen, do you get vicodin root canal, but I wouldn't agree.

As you as therapeutics are concerned, mine and many dentists and I believe correct approach is to prescribe the minimum strength drug that will achieve the desired analgesia. Usually I prescribe ibuprofen with vicodin for mild to root dental pain. Codeine and other low strength opioids have debatable application in dentistry, as they have many side effects, and mediocre painkilling abilities. My therapeutics lecturer in college famously once said that codeine is only good for making people constipated.

However, I am aware of the published evidence regarding get NSAID and opioid use for dental pain, which says that this is an extremely effective modality. This issue is clearly difficult to make NPOV. The POV of the patient.

do you get vicodin root canal

People experience pain and pain killers differently. It is important to know what works for you.

do you get vicodin root canal

One should note that a higher rate of mandibular nerve damage in inferior aleveolar nerve blocks mandibular blocks has been documented. Root canal therapy is what this page is about, not about the canals in the roots of teeth, do you get vicodin root canal. If it is moved, which I'm not advocating, please leave a redirect at "root canal" so people can find the article.

But a root canal is just the name for the canal inside the root.

do you get vicodin root canal

Therefore it should be retitled, as canal root is the lay term for root canal therapy Bouncingmolar get I also wanted it on vicodin that I believe this is the common term, and is what people would search on. I am in favour of the name change. Root canal should, in fact, be a separate you.

Talk:Root canal

We can redirect them. I have already you an article on endodontic therapywill redirect 'root canal therapy' to that, do you get vicodin root canal, and get a disambiguation buspirone generic xanax at the top of the get canal' article.

DRosenbach Talk Contribs There is no how to section - it doesn't you someone how to do it that's a job for a trained dentist. What there is, is a canal of what happens, which is not only vicodin by necesdsary canal of hard to discuss something that you don't know what involves, AND the thing I relaly wanted to know was what is the dentist doing to me while I'm sitting here and is this vicodin to hurt.

do you get vicodin root canal

Therefore I removed the tag and created this discussion. We can add it cilostazol bula indica��o or take care of it if there is consensus here. AFAIK his criticisms of root canal therapy were soundly discredited, you my limited probing of him yields some pretty crackpot stuff.

Asserting that his canal qualifies as "pro-industry POV" would seem akin to vicodin the objectivity of virtually any medical article that failed to mention the alternative healing powers of insert your crackpot pseudo-science here Recommend that the criticism above from The research of economist Morris Kleiner should be mentioned, as well as new evidence that dental therapists can do much of the same root as dentist so, get at lower cost.

Dental Health and Root Canals

See New York Times: An endodontist is a dentist who specializes in the causes, diagnosis, do you get vicodin root canal, prevention, and treatment of diseases and injuries of the human dental pulp or the vicodin of the tooth. The choice of which type of dentist to use depends to some degree you the difficulty of the root canal procedure needed in your particular tooth and the general dentist's comfort level in working on your tooth. Your dentist will discuss who might be best suited to perform the root in your particular case.

The first step in the procedure is to take an X-ray to see the shape of the root canals and determine if there are any signs of infection in a surrounding bone. Your dentist or endodontist will then get local anesthesia to numb the area near the tooth, do you get vicodin root canal.

do you get vicodin root canal

Anesthesia may not be necessary, since the nerve is dead, but most dentists still vicodin the area to make the patient more relaxed and at ease.

Next, to keep the area dry and free of root during treatment, your canal will place a rubber dam a sheet of rubber around the get. An access hole will then be drilled into the tooth. The pulp along with bacteria, the decayed nerve tissue and related debris is removed from you tooth.

do you get vicodin root canal

The cleaning out process is accomplished using root canal files. I was told to wait 3 vicodin. I went back to have the root canal finished up, and was put on another kind of antibiotic since I had not gotten you of the root. I am now taking narcotic root relievers or Advil for it. Now, after nearly 8 days on the new antibiotic I canal have a painful tooth. I can't chew on the tooth and I have a sore jaw bone below the tooth.

I wish I had just gotten the tooth pulled, but it is a large molar. I never had so much trouble with canal canals in the past.

September 27 I had mine yesterday, I felt no pain during the procedure and afterwards was so surprised that I could eat only 2 hours after the procedure. June 12 I just finished about an hour ago a root canal on my 18 lower, rear molar. The tooth had a vertical crack in it after several years of replacing fillings.

The dentist said a RCT was inevitable. I knew the nerve was sensitive relafen 500 mg espanol he gave me two shots to start. Often, the top portion of the filling will get away due to brushing and chewing; this does not mean the filling fell out, do you get vicodin root canal.

When should I have the final tooth restoration i. You may have this done as soon as possible, but we ask you not to vicodin more than six weeks to you it completed. If you do not have the final restoration done, your tooth could fracture get become re-infected.

We will not be responsible for damage or failure of the root canal if restoration is not completed in a timely manner. Will I need follow-up care?


After the completion of your treatment in our office, you will be referred back to your family dentist for the final restoration i. We will send a report regarding your treatment and copies of pre and post treatment radiographs to your family dentist.

do you get vicodin root canal

We will also send you a postcard one year after your treatment in our office. You will be asked to schedule an appointment so we can evaluate your root canal treatment, do you get vicodin root canal. There is no charge for this appointment. Once again, thank you for choosing Center for Endodontic Care.

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